Who can I contact with questions?
Call - 978-212-9706
When is the Grant Cycle?
Where/How do I apply for a Grant?
Go to the Massachusetts Cultural Council website below.
Application Process : https://massculturalcouncil.org/communities/local-cultural-council-program/application-process/
Very important: include a sponsor letter on organizational letterhead, with the content of the letter confirming the date , time and location (venue) of upcoming event.
What types of Grants are funded?
Applicants may apply to the LCC Program for projects, operating support, ticket subsidy programs, field trips, artist residencies, fellowships or other activities, based on local priorities and needs. Local councils may also choose to fund cultural field trips for children, grades pre-K through 12, by subsidizing the cost for children to attend programs in the arts, humanities and sciences (including performances, educational tours and exhibits).
LCCs can fund operating support, but sure to check with the LCC you are applying first to make sure they do.
Examples of operating support include:
Theaters can apply for funds to maintain a clean, socially distanced environment for programming.
Art Education Centers or Public Schools may apply for funds to invest in education technology for their virtual programs.
An organization may need to hire someone for fundraising.
LCC does not fund food or refreshments.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be located or reside in Massachusetts. Anyone included in the list below may apply:
Individuals. Individual applicants must show that a public benefit results from the project for which they are applying.
Incorporated private nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools are subject to the same criteria and restrictions as public schools.
Unincorporated associations that can establish a nonprofit objective. A group of individuals coming together with a common purpose (e.g., local community band, theater group) that do not have nonprofit status.
Public schools, libraries, other municipal agencies and the local cultural council itself. Municipal agencies are eligible to apply for funding.
Religious organizations. Religious organizations or groups with a religious affiliation are eligible to apply for funding of cultural programming that is available to the general public. LCCs can only approve applications that are primarily cultural in their intent and do not have the effect of advancing religion.
What are the funding criteria?
All local cultural councils throughout Massachusetts use the first three rules listed below in the review of all funding decisions. All rules are equally important. Make sure to review HCC's Local Criteria (aka funding priorities). All grant applications must include a sponsor letter, per the HCC Council Guidelines & Priorities.
Please CONTACT US BEFORE THE DEADLINE with any questions, because if your grant application does not meet our criteria/guidelines, it cannot result in grant approval.
Arts, Humanities, and Sciences
Public Benefit
Grant funds received from a local council may not be used to purchase food or beverages.
How can I join the Hudson Cultural Council Board?
This all-volunteer board always welcomes new members!
If you are interested, please follow the instructions at this page: https://www.hudsonculturalcouncil.org/hcc-board-members
What constitutes a local sponsor letter?
All grant applications must include a sponsor letter, per the HCC Council Guidelines & Priorities.
A sponsoring organization is a person, group, or other entity that hosts the event at physical location (or books, makes arrangements, and/or assumes responsibility for the program).
The letter should be on the organization letterhead - not an email - and should include the date, time and location of the event. You should use your personal name as the APPLICANT only in the case that you are not representing another organization (otherwise apply with the name of the organization).
Please CONTACT US BEFORE THE DEADLINE with any questions, because if your grant application does not meet our criteria/guidelines, it cannot result in grant approval.
What is FY - or Fiscal Year?
"FY" stands for "Fiscal Year". The Fiscal Year usually starts on July 1, and funds state government programs and operations through June 30 of the year stated. (An example would be FY23 being July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.)
More information about the current fiscal year can be found on the mass.gov website: https://www.mass.gov/operating-budgets-fy24-and-previous