HCC Board Members

To become a board member, see below. 

Hudson Cultural Council 

Board Members

Michael Ibrahim, Chair

Lindsay Kelkres, Member

Ellen Kisslinger, Member

Doris Monteiro, Secretary

Leia Owen, Member

Debbie Papa, Treasurer

Donna Specian, ex officio Member

Visit the town website for upcoming meeting dates & agenda. 


Any questions? email us: Hudsonculturalcouncil@gmail.com

We are always looking for new board members!

This all-volunteer board always welcomes new members.  

You can click here to review information regarding membership.

After applying to become a new member, meeting with the Hudson Cultural Council Board, and being appointed by the Town Select Board, you will then be sworn in by the Town Clerk. That's it!  We meet 3-4 times a year. 

To apply, you have two options:

1 - Fill out an interest form at the Hudson Town Clerk's Office, 78 Main Street.  

2- You can also print out the interest form from this page: https://www.townofhudson.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif3281/f/uploads/board_interest.pdf.
Then, mail the interest form to:
The Office of the Select Board, 78 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 

If you have more questions about becoming a member, please contact the Hudson Cultural Council at 978-212-9706 or via email at hudsonculturalcouncil@gmail.com